“I will be their God, and they will be my people.” (2 Corinthians 6:16)
Everything belongs to God, but some people “especially” belong to him.
The distinction is found in a person’s response to Jesus. He died for everyone (even the people we don’t like!), but not everyone accepts his free gift of salvation. For those who believe in Jesus, it is certain that they belong. Those who reject him, they do not belong—at least, not yet!
Do you believe that God is good and that he gives good gifts? Have you said “yes” to Jesus, believing he lived a perfect life, died a real death, and resurrected after three days—all so that we might have eternal life? If God is your heavenly Father, Jesus is your Savior, and the Holy Spirit is your Comforter, then God looks at you and says, “My people.”
Do you see yourself as a child of God, a member of his family, a citizen in his kingdom? Sometimes we forget our true identity in Christ. How does this happen? The world, and the enemy, are working hard to mold us into anything other than the image of Jesus.
Let us accept the free gift of grace! Let us remember who we are!
We are his people because he is our God!