Tag: Psalms

  • Has your waiting turned to presuming?

    I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits,

    and in his word I put my hope. (Psalm 130:5)

    What is the difference between expectation and presumption? As we consider the condition of our heart, where is the line between these two postures of the soul? 

    First, the similarities: both begin with a promise from God, and both wait for the provision. 

    The difference between the two is revealed in the light of frustration. 

    When expectation is frustrated, it continues to wait for the promised provision. This is perseverance: acknowledging the difficulty while remaining surrendered to God. When presumption is frustrated, it chooses bitterness. It begins to count all the ways it deserves the promised provision. 

    Expectation is an expression of faith because it trusts that God will provide on his promises. Grace proceeds and pervades the promise and the provision. God does not owe us anything, neither promises nor provision. They are a gift.

    Presumption is an expression of pride because it trusts that it deserves provision. It turns the grace gift of God’s promises and provision into a wage, debt owed to us by God. 

    The reward of expectation is greater faith and peace. The consequence of presumption is greater self-reliance and unrest.