Would you agree that trust is essential for any significant relationship?
Of course it is! If you look at the people closest to you, they are the ones who have earned your trust. When a person breaks your trust, you stop relying on them.
God is looking for people he can trust.
Jesus trusted John with a vital mission: “Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother … When Jesus saw his mother there, and [John] standing nearby, he said to her, “Woman, here is your son,” and to [John], “Here is your mother.” From that time on, [John] took her into his home” (John 19:25-27, NLT).
Jesus trusted John with a mega-important responsibility: “Take care of my mom because I won’t be around to do it myself.”
Jesus trusted John, and he also wants to trust you and me. God has a vital mission for everyone who follows him: “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much” (Luke 16:10)
When God works in our lives, he begins by trusting us with a little. Once we have been faithful, he trusts us with more.
If you wanted to teach someone how to manage money, you wouldn’t start them off with a million dollars—that’s too much because the temptation to spend foolishly is too great! It would be better to start off with a much smaller amount.
This is a powerful principle about the spiritual life: be faithful with what you have. If you forget this, your spiritual growth will slow down, stagnate, and then stop.
Take time in prayer and refection to consider what God has entrusted to you. Think about your relationships, opportunities, and personal strengths.
Have you proven yourself to be trustworthy?
This is not about earning God’s love or working for salvation. God’s love is unconditional, and salvation is a gift.
This is about responding to God’s love by being faithful with what he has already given us.